its all about me, really...

SNAFUs, TARFUs and FUBARs just about summarizes the world we live in.

Location: Bukit Panjang, Singapore

Be gracious to one and all.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


came across a website that lists just about every commonly used military jargon in the U.S. of A, and the following two jargons are my favourite... these two jargons just about summarizes the real world that we are so caught up with these days..

snafu - Situation Normal All 'effed' Up

fubar - 'effed' Up Beyond All Repair

don't we always discover that, sometimes when we find ourselves in certain predicaments, or incidents or events, that pretty much seem to be very simple under those circumstances but we find ourselves getting flustered, our pulse quicken, our mind racing to find solutions to seemingly impossible problems that in the end, we just... well, 'eff'ed' up... i guess its just normal, as perfectly human as we are, that we tend to behave this way..

this situation, in my point of view, is what i call: "snafu"... which, leads us to my next favourite jargon, "fubar"...

we tend to 'eff' up the situation.

to cite one example situation: a serious terrorist threat in a shopping mall...

imagine, there's a package, hidden in some discreet corner of an over-crowded, packed shopping mall during peak hour.. someone gets and leaks the news of the presence of a volatile package... someone starts screaming, raises panic and causes alarm in the crowd and all starts running.. most of the time, most of them who are running, don't know why they are running, nor what are they running away from... they simply follow those who started the commotion...

so.. this is pretty much a simple situation.. it is NOT NORMAL, by any sense, BUT it is simple. A volatile package is discovered and immediate evac is required... just how many of us are able to stay calm and walk coolly away from the scene ?? so ?

and everyone starts running around, some don't even know where the nearest exit is, running, screaming, those who are not fast enough or are too weak, accidentally falls, get trampled on, in the end, the casualty number escalates... there you have it.. "fubar".

and..... *drum roll*..... this is the ultimate in all booboos, if or ever you find yourself in such a crisis, all you can do is hold both your hands to your head, shake your head in despair and mutter to yourself "oh darn, what have i done..." this is the "SNAFUBAR"

Situation Normal All 'effed' Up Beyond All Repair

when something happens, stay calm, assess the situation, and act logically.
don't just follow the crowd.