its all about me, really...

SNAFUs, TARFUs and FUBARs just about summarizes the world we live in.

Location: Bukit Panjang, Singapore

Be gracious to one and all.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Part 1: Say 'NO!' to Nokia

That's it. No more Nokia phones. I'm declaring Nokia as my public enemy No. 1

Here is what I wrote to them today:

"I bought Nokia model N70 on 21st December.

However, in less than a week, the phone was required to be sent to the service center for repair. My wife didn't even have chance to load in any software that came with the Nokia MMC card.
We sent the phone to the service center at Suntec City.

At the first return to the service center, the phone rebooted every 5 mins of usage and required more than 10 mins to boot up. Sent the phone in for repair, the technician referred the phone to higher level to replace an internal component and re-loaded the software. The service request number was : STC025619-001

When I collected back the phone, I tested it on the spot, it seemed to be working fine. However, the next morning, the phone software hung up. It refused to respond to any key presses. I had to remove the battery to re-start the phone. After this incident, the phone started its nonsense again. It hung up more than 3 times in 2 hours, rebooted twice during that period. I sent the phone back the very next morning. The service request number was: STC026054-001. Again, the technician referred it to a higher level to replace another itnernal component and to re-load the software.

I just collected the phone yesterday (30th Dec 2005)evening. As usual, I tested the phone on the spot, tried the camera, calling in/out, sms, bluetooth, alarm clock. Everything seemed to be fine. From then till this morning, the phone rebooted 5 times and hung up more times that I can remember.

How many times must I go back to Nokia service center to have such problem fixed ? My request to change the pcb at the 2nd return was ignored although the officer keyed it into the system.

I'm utterly disappointed with Nokia. What is the use of pasting the QC passed sticker on the back of the phone when even 2 repairs are unable to re-solve the problem ?

I'm going to send it to another Nokia service center on Monday since tomorrow is a public holiday.

I don't call this Customer Service any longer. I think Customer Harassment is a more suitable term. A one-time repair is fine and acceptable. I will even tolerate a 2nd repair, but a phone that requies repair 3 times in less than 2 weeks is TOO MUCH !!!

This is the last time I'm going to purchase a Nokia phone. I've owned many other branded mobile phones before and NONE of them required more than 1 repair. I used to be a proud supporter of Nokia phones BUT NOT ANY LONGER! You've just lost one customer FOR GOOD!

I'm not going to recommend Nokia phones to any of my friends or relatives. In fact, I'm going to dissuade every one of them from buying Nokia phones.

I'm going to write and post negative feedback on every Nokia phone reviews that I come across online."

I hope this wakes up their sleeping idea.


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