Skoda Octavia
I got to test drive my relative's Skoda Octavia for about 3 days since he was out of town. The following pics and comments are totally my very own. I apologise for the poor picture quality as the pictures were taken with my Panasonic VS2 mobile phone's 1.3 megapixel camera. Just a darn basic camera, but at least it gets the work done.

This is a picture of the car, Skoda Octavia, taken from the official Skoda's website. You can go to the official website for more details on engine performance and features by clicking on this post's title.

The things that first caught my attention when I first entered the car. Pic on the top left shows the steering wheel with the dashboard in the background. Pic on the top right shows a close up of the logo on the steering wheel. Pic on the bottom left shows the dashboard instrument panel.Pic on the bottom right shows the huge, looks-nice-to-press hazard light button. The steering wheel is totally encased with a layer of leather. Feel is very good. Hazard light button is nice to press, indeed. hehe. (;

Pic on the left shows the AT-Automatic Transmissin Gear Shift Lever. Shifting between the different drive modes has a very smooth a slick feel. Probably its because the car is still quite new. Probably not worth looking at, but what the heck. Pic on the right shows the door opening handle and beside it, is the left and right side mirrors' electronic control. Pretty cool, huh ?

Pic on the top left shows the Tachometer. Top right pic shows the Temperature gauge (Engine) on the left and Fuel gauge on the right. Pic on the bottom left shows the analog Speedometer, digital Odometer and digital Trip-o-meter. Pic on the bottom right shows an enlarged pic of the digital information screen. At the first row, the "23min" tells you the time elapse from the time the engine is started. Middle row shows the temperature outside the car, which is pretty accurate, I must say. 3rd row shows which gear is engaged. "P" is highlighted so its in the "Park" position.
Now, the problem was, I couldn't find the switch that turns on instrument panel backlight and the headlights. The toggle switch isn't located at the usual signal lever on the right side behind the steering wheel. For the Skoda, which is European made, the signal lever is located on the left hand side and the wiper lever is on the right. So after looking high and low, left and right, I finally rested my "4-eyes" on these:

This switch look horribly similar to the "6-way switch" found in our military vehicles. Only that this switch, on the Skoda Octavia, does not have the "convoy blackout" switch settings. Those MT Line drivers will know what I'm babbling about. -wink- This switch though, is impressive. There is a setting where the driver can choose to swtich on just the headlights, but not the tail lights and vice versa. Cool, eh ? But I wonder if it has any use here. The pic on the left shows two knobs. The left knob controls the intensity or brightness of the instrument panel backlights and the right knob controls the height of the headlight beams.
Overall, interior looks and feels comfortable. The leather seats are not too soft, just nice for long distance driving. Steering wheel is a tad too tight, but is responsive, with only a very very slight freeplay, which makes steering constant and very stable. The car body structure is very rigid and very sturdy. Might be comparable to those Volvo models.
The only complaint I have for this Skoda Octavia is its ultra high fuel consumption. Based on the official website's engine specifications, its average fuel consumption is approximately 39.2 litres per 100km, which works out to be about 1 litre per 2.55km. -faint- Not too sure whether this specification applies locally, but the average fuel consumption of other Japanese makes found locally is approximately 1 litre per 12km. After driving for 3 days and some calculations, my personal estimate came to about 1 litre per 9km. -phew-
I guess if compared to the Japanese counterparts, the Skoda Octavia is a fuel monster.